Fragrance of the Soul III – March 2018
A morning of fun, bonding and inspiration! This was our social morning for Mizan students
Posted by Mizan Institute on Thursday, 22 March 2018
A morning of fun, bonding and inspiration! This was our social morning for Mizan students
Posted by Mizan Institute on Thursday, 22 March 2018
A weekend of fun, bonding and inspiration!
Posted by Mizan Institute on Thursday, 22 March 2018
Assalamu Alaykum brothers and sisters 🙂 Before I began to write this, I looked at the previous student experiences and was amazed by the diverse group of people we have at Mizan, Alhamdulillah! This year I was in my 4th and final year at university and decided to join Mizan. Campus life can be extremely…
Being part of this life changing experience is something that cannot be translated into words, just like the Quraan in English cannot do Justice to the true beauty of Arabic. As a student and a career woman, mom and wife it’s not always an easy to juggle. There’s been times when giving up was an…
Aslm dear brothers & sisters Wow!!! Subhan’Allah! There are only 2 words to describe my experience = life changing. At the end of 2015 I was going through a rough patch (as we all do from time to time) and I felt that something was missing in my life, I felt spiritually dead. Even though…
My journey towards the Quran has really been a gift from the Almighty SubhanAllah. Sometimes we want to change our lives and gain closeness to Him however we’re not really sure what steps we should put in place to make this happen. I’ve come to realise that the Quran was revealed as gift to all…
DNSI has certainly been a spiritual upliftment for me! I have for a long time been seeking to increase my knowledge to better understand islam, the Quraan and to be closer to Allah and this course has certainly paved the way. I have many family members and friends that attends Darul Naim who always provided…
Dear Sister/brother If you are reading this you might be interested in doing the DNSI course. Before I started the course I came across many students from different parts of the institute who said how life changing it is. I came into the year feeling slightly arrogant with a hard heart thinking to myself “How…
I went to a muslim school from SubA so I do have an Islamic background but Darun Naim has been nothing compared to it. I’m originally from PE so we didn’t have much schools or programs such as this, or maybe none that I knew about. Darun Naim has changed my life. May Allah reward…
After attempting to learn Arabic for a month in a Darul Uloom many years ago, I gave up on Arabic, as it was simply too hard. Last year I attended my first unveiling and that was where my niyyah was made to enrol at DNSI [now called Mizan]. From the word go, I was taken…