Aslm dear brothers & sisters Wow!!! Subhan’Allah! There are only 2 words to describe my experience = life changing.
At the end of 2015 I was going through a rough patch (as we all do from time to time) and I felt that something was missing in my life, I felt spiritually dead. Even though I was making salaah and reading quraan I still felt that something was missing. I started searching for courses / madrassah’s and found myself on the website of Darun Naim Sunday Intensive [now called Mizan Institute]. The course seemed interesting but it wasn’t really what I was looking for, but I registered for 2016 in any case. I remember sitting in class the 1st day and thinking okay this is “nice”. Boy was I wrong! “Nice” doesn’t even describe what I felt after that day. My journey since then has been amazing! Starting the class with no arabic understanding besides knowing the meanings of basic words we learn in madrassah to now being able to read quraan, understand what I am reading and understanding the sentence structure, subhan’Allah.
Not only has this course helped me to understand Arabic and the words of Allah but my connection with Allah through quraan has grown tremendously. That feeling you have in your heart when you are reciting quraan and understanding what Allah is telling you in that moment is priceless. Never did I ever think that I would be addicted to quraan the way I am now. All I want to do is learn more and know more about what the quraan says. Not only do we have amazing teachers but the tutors are amazing too, may Allah reward them, ameen. They are so patient and helpful and no matter how much you are struggling they are always there to assist. You also get introduced to these amazing people, your classmates, who bring this joy and happiness every Sunday morning just knowing you are there for the same reason and who are always there to help you along the way. If I think about my life before 2016 I can’t believe that I was missing out on this spiritual food for the soul.
Growing up you read all these fairytales like Cinderella and her struggles with her stepsisters but wouldn’t you rather want to read about Nabi Yusuf (AS) and his struggles with his brothers, a story filled with many lessons and gems. And by “read” I mean read in the Arabic language and understand what you are reading. This can definitely be achieved at Mizan Institute. Registering in 2016 may not have been what I was looking for but Allah knew it was what I needed. JazakAllah Kairan Wslm