Assalamu Alaykum brothers and sisters 🙂 Before I began to write this, I looked at the previous student experiences and was amazed by the diverse group of people we have at Mizan, Alhamdulillah! This year I was in my 4th and final year at university and decided to join Mizan. Campus life can be extremely stressful in so many ways. A good support base is really needed, and structures such as the MSA really assist in this. However, in my first 3 years of uni it still felt like something was missing. I thought to myself, you are literally spending 8-10 hours of your day on your studies, where is your time for Allah?
Yes, of course, we are encouraged to excel in the fields we are in and I am a firm believer in that. But, at that stage, I realised that as a Muslim and future leader of a household (iA), I can’t continue with a superficial connection to Islam. I needed something more. I need to learn. I needed the Qur’an. Looking back, I actually wished I started at Mizan from first year already! But, Alhamdulillah, Allah’s plan is best 🙂 I really encourage every single student / working adult to join this class in sha Allah.
If you’ve ever felt like something was missing in life, or a lack of meaning/purpose in life (this feeling tends to creep in the night before finals!), then this class is for you iA. Looking forward to seeing you all next year! Wslm 🙂