I went to a muslim school from SubA so I do have an Islamic background but Darun Naim has been nothing compared to it. I’m originally from PE so we didn’t have much schools or programs such as this, or maybe none that I knew about. Darun Naim has changed my life. May Allah reward all my teachers!
It’s such an amazing feeling knowing that you understand the short surahs and that you can partially understand the bigger surahs. Not only has Darun Naim brought me closer to who I want to be as a person but it has brought me closer to my Creator Algamdulillah.
It’s so amazing how 1 ayah can have so many explanations or stories behind it. I will never forget when we did Surah Duhaa. I was going through a tough time and couldn’t seem to get out of my “slump”. That Sunday we did the Surah and I literally couldn’t stop crying. It was as if Allah spoke directly through my teacher to me. In that moment there was no one in that class but me and the words of “from” Allah. In my mind, myself and Allah was having a conversation. Subhana Allah.
Sunday class is my favourite part of the week, I enjoy talks where I’m spiritually uplifted, I crave it and what better way is there to be spiritually uplifted than from the teachings of the Quraan?
Joining DNSI has been one of the best choices I’ve ever made in my entire life, and would advise anyone and as much people as I can to do the same. It has honestly changed my life for the better Algamdulillah. Not only because of the ‘educational’ part but it has introduced me to beautiful people who have similar goals and life story’s as I do. It introduced me to people and friends that bring me closer to my Jannah rather than take me further away from it.
Lutifyya Ravat (1st year DNSI student)