My journey towards the Quran has really been a gift from the Almighty SubhanAllah. Sometimes we want to change our lives and gain closeness to Him however we’re not really sure what steps we should put in place to make this happen.
I’ve come to realise that the Quran was revealed as gift to all of us and yet, for so long we recite it now and then and we keep the Qurans almost seperate from our existence. Doing the DNSI [now called Mizan Institute] course with my husband has changed my complete being and has changed our lives and our marriage, Algamdullielah.
Waking up in the morning, I am now more thankful to Allah and completely understand the depth of me just saying “Algamdullielah” – though before I felt I knew the meaning, just being able to break down the Arabic words and understanding the root letters makes me see the beauty of Allah and the wonder of the Quran at another level.
Algamdullielah – All praise, utmost praise, the most praise is only to the Lord of ALL the worlds. Not to me, not to my parents, to Allah! To the Lord of everything.
Performing Salaah and being able to understand what I am reciting in each posture – from Allahu Akbar right through to Surah Al Fatigah and (a lot of) the surahs I recite. SubhanAllah. It’s amazing. It’s one of those lightbulb moments that’s been going on for these past 2 years Algamdullielah and it’s not being turned off. I feel the connection and conversation with Allah SWT and I am in awe of how much Allah loves us and how He’s guided us through every aspect of our lives.
Allahu Akbar – Allah is GreatER – Allah is GREATER than anything else we think is great or important. Allah is GREATER than work, so we leave it to perform salaah. Allah is GREATER than our families, so we stop interacting with them to perform salaah. Allah is GREATER than eating, so we plan our meal times around salaah. Allah is GREATER than sleep, so we wake up to perform salaah. Allah is GREATER than every single thing and that’s why our main focus is completely on Allah and we try to be in a constant state of Thikullah.
When I am having a good day, I feel reminded of Allah’s mercy.
When I am having a bad day, I am reminded of Allah’s hope.
When I am experiencing anything, understanding the Quran has opened my mind and more importantly opened my heart. The stories that we’ve learnt from the Quran has been instilled in me. And the promise of Jannah and the warning of Jahannam – though I heard it before – is constantly on my mind because now I understand the words Allah uses to explain this to us.
SubhanAllah, I make duah that all my family members and friends get to experience their own journey towards the Quran.
Algamdullielah, I would definitely recommend this course to everyone – no matter what age. Sundays have become the highlight of our weeks.
It’s common to put things off until “one day when we have more time” however I’ve also realised that just committing to this course on Sundays, I’ve had more barakah in my time Algamdullielah.
2nd year DNSI Student, IT Systems Analyst