Assalamu Alaikum, Waraghmatullahi Wabarakhaatu,
I wish to share my experience and path to attending the DNSI Quran studies, program (1st year 2016).
My wife studied at DNSI, for two years, during which time she really inspired me and taught me many lessons, which really made me realise how “disadvantaged & under privileged” I am by this lack of real Quran (& Islamic) insight.
As a leader within my corporate business, I am always being looked upon for the advice, skills, direction and leadership, to guide my staff. I have always felt the need to educate myself of matters of this world, to ensure I can add value to my staff (their lives and their families improvement).
It struck me one day that included in this “skills/knowledge”, is the spiritual support to be shared with everyone. Added to the fact that by now I was really yearning to gain my own spiritual enhancement and draw closer to my Allah. As Fathers, Husbands and leaders in our homes, businesses and communities, we are always “busy” and do not find the “time”, for “madressa”.
I finally enrolled for the 1st year Sunday intensive class 2016. To my amazement and astonishment, I finally felt even closer, to my Rabb. (by understanding my recital in Salah & more. We “speak” to Allah SWT 5 times a day, minimum, yet many of us do not realise what we are saying).
I was really impressed at the way the course was structured and support offered by the lecturers. (May Allah SWT, grant that they are able to remain doing it for many years inshallah, and the institution of Islamic learning grows in the hearts of ALL).
Halfway through the 1st year I realised that it is too little to be doing just on a Sunday, as I was now experiencing a “void”, in my life by not attending or being in “class”.
The class lectures are structured not to talk “down”, to students but a full interactive, participative and supportive manner.
My advice is for every family (Muslim or Non Muslim), to at least have 1 member attending these classes. I am also really encouraged at the amount of young students attend.
We would easily spend R150 000 on an MBA (for Dunyah & temporary gain), yet be afraid so spend a few thousand on a course, that we will take to our grave (and benefit us in Aaghirah & eternity).
I wish to continue every year at DNSI and any other institution, inshallah.
Islamic student learner (55years old)